3 Myths About Hiking Elopements

Something funny about me: I’m SUPER into hiking elopements, but only sort of into hiking. What I mean is that, if I’m doing it solo, hiking lives squarely as type-2 fun in my mind. The payoff in the middle is out of this world, but TBH I don’t really enjoy the upward process, and then afterwards, you still gotta come back down, which can sometimes be harder! But, yes, the views do make it worth it.

On the other hand... if I’m doing it with a chill, fun, outdoorsy, head-over-heels-in-love couple— all of that goes away! I’m so engrossed in capturing the perfect photos and making their elopement day everything they’ve ever dreamed of that it’s like I don’t even feel my quads seizing up or my feet screaming at me.

If you’re kind of with me on this — meaning you love the idea of a hiking elopement, but the physical exertion part has you on the fence — let’s clear up a few myths! Because hiking elopements truly are magical, they don’t need to be hard at all, and there is a way for us to get you allll the hiking perks (hello views and fresh air) without any of the hiking struggles (goodbye exhaustion and messy hair).

What Is A Hiking Elopement?

Okay, first thing’s first: what counts as a hiking elopement? The answer is any elopement or intimate wedding that involves some kind of hike! There’s no minimum distance you have to travel, no altitude you need to reach for your hiking elopement to be considered “legit”. All hikes count, all are legit, and all hiking elopements are badass!

Point is: Your hiking elopement can be as simple, complex, steep, flat, low-key, or glamorous as you want it to be. The beauty of any elopement is that you call every single shot, and you get to choose based on your values and what works for the two of you. Remember this as you plan your hiking elopement, and you’ll be a-okay!

Let’s Go MythBusters!

(You know, like ghostbusters, but for lies.)

Now that we know what a hiking elopement is, let’s clear up some of the myths about what it is not so we can get you off the fence.

Myth #1: A Elopement Hike Needs To Be Epic 

Hard nope on this one! In fact, for most couples, I wouldn’t recommend a big, epic hike into the alpines for their wedding day. I mean, sure, you’d have some major views— but you’d also be completely wiped by the end. 

Some sporty couples may choose to push their physical limits and scale a mountain on their big day, but most keep it chill and pick a doable hike. Personally? I recommend choosing a hike that’s easy enough that it won’t take you out, but that still offers beautiful views and backdrops. Think more along the lines of a stroll in the woods in hiking boots and a backpack with picnic fixings. If you’re in Vancouver, something like Dog Mountain or Quarry Rock would be perfect!

Also, if you do want an alpine-style hike but you want to keep it low-key, we can go to Whistler and take the gondola up to the top! That way, you’ll get those epic views with just a little hiking. 

Also also, if hiking feels intimidating but you love the idea of something outdoorsy and laidback, remember that tall trees and mossy forest floors are just as epic as snow-capped peaks.

Myth #2: You Need To Be In Peak Physical Condition 

Nope again! You do not need to be super in shape to hike on your wedding day. I'm not, and I hike alongside couples at least a few times a year. (No, like, really. I have 3 flights of stairs in my house and I get winded just going up them.)

If you’re worried about it at all, feel free to do a few hikes before the big day, get physical at the gym, or even just practice the hike you chose for your elopement! Ultimately, it’s better to give yourself peace of mind than to be stressed on the day. But seriously, you do not have anything to stress about.

Myth #3: It’s A Full Day Of Exertion 

Nope nope nope. Even if your elopement spans most of a day, the actual hiking won’t. And your day will be so much more than just be four hours up, 30 minutes of vows and photos, and then four hours straight back down.

Even if the total time we spend “hiking” ends up being close to eight hours, trust that we will be stopping along the way, taking photos, waiting out the weather, and just doing whatever you damn well please since, you know, it’s your day!

Plus, we’ll have your ceremony, breaks for snacking and sipping, and you’ll have tons of quiet moments to stop, snuggle, and stare at the view.

Hiking Elopement Attire

“Okay Vanessa, I’m into the idea of a hiking elopement. But what do we wear?”

Here’s the thing: a hiking elopement does not mean you have to skip the stunning white dress or ditch the dapper three-piece suit. In fact, all of the couples I’ve photographed mountainside still decided to get dolled up.

There are 2 schools of thought on how to approach hiking elopement attire:

1. Wear It

Yep, seriously! You’ve come this far by committing to a hike on your big day. Why not wear the dress or suit for the whole day?

But, a word of warning: If you do decide to wear your dress or suit up the mountain, it will get dirty. In my opinion though, it only adds to the charm. I say bring it on!

If you haven’t bought your wedding day attire yet, it’s a good idea to decide on whether or not you’ll wear it up the mountain before you do. Some dresses are much heavier than others and, real talk, you’ll likely have to pee in the woods or in an outhouse, so make that easy on yourself.

When it comes to shoes, for me, it comes down to safety. Hiking trails are slippery, messy, and uneven. Dress shoes are probably not the choice. There is absolutely no shame in the wedding-dress-with-hiking-boots game!

2. Pack It

Let’s be honest, if a $10,000 pure white dress is your dream, then maybe we pivot and just pack your wedding day attire. Do the hike in your lulus and boots, and just change at the top! Simple as that.

I will say that the odds of us having any type of change area are slim, though, so just make sure you’re okay with the fact that you’ll be stripping down to your skivvies either al fresco, or wrapped in a makeshift changeroom.

Meet Your Hiking Elopement Photographer!

If you’re outdoorsy, chill, and thinking about a hiking elopement anywhere near Vancouver, BC, then I think we’d be a great fit! Drop me a line using the form below, and we’ll set up a time to daydream about your elopement over caffeinated or alcoholic bevvies ASAP.


3 Full-day Elopement Timeline Ideas


Kelsey and Nick’s Cemetery Engagement Photos